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The world’s first rating on ecosystem resilience to reverse biodiversity loss

We make investment in nature based solutions easy and reliable by offering a science-based due diligence to rate and monitor the success factors for reforestation and afforestation projects in tropical forests.

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Investor looking at the recarbon app on a laptop
The problem

Nature-based carbon removal lacks trust

Nature-based carbon removal needs access to capital. At the same time, lack of transparency and a history of poor integrity present barriers to securing funding. This stifles the market’s growth at a critical time - we need to remove several gigatons of CO2 as quickly as possible if we are to keep global temperatures from rising beyond 1.5°C.

Costs + risks

Many climate projects are costly and risky without offering a verifiable impact or return.

Uncertain claims

Existing products often do not monitor the captured CO2. This makes their impact on net zero claims unclear at best.

Underfunded market

High quality projects cannot happen without up-front funding. Low trust in the market severely restricts available capital.

Our approach

A dynamic carbon removal claim with measurable impact

By purchasing shares, you acquire a fraction of the carbon sequestered by Gold Standard certified projects. As the sequestration capacity grows, your shares reflect this value by emitting a credit dividend stream.

Reach net zero verifiably

Invest in measurable carbon removal instead of reduction or avoidance credits.

Own an intangible asset

From a financial point of view, carbon shares are an intangible asset on your balance sheet.

Profit from share growth

Benefit from the growth of the project in the form of a carbon credit dividend.

Sequestration model of our pilot-project in Columbia

How it works

The mechanism behind carbon shares

1. Acquire project shares

Invest in a sequestration capacity. Over time, this capacity grows and with it the actual CO2 storage.

2. Frequent project monitoring

In addition to the Gold Standard certification, we use remote sensing technologies to monitor the amount the amount of CO2 sequestered by the project.

3. Share value growth and dividend payouts

Growing projects, rising carbon prices and dividend payouts make for an attractive investment.

Get in touch with us

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us. Simply fill out the contact-form and we will get back to you.

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Rethinking the world of carbon

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Join our webinar series to discuss new possibilities in carbon removal.
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Impact Labs GmbH certifies nature-based climate projects with the aim of dividing the CO2 storage potential resulting from the projects into shares for the purpose of contributing in long-term removal and sequestration of CO2 (so-called carbon shares). In conducting its services, Impact Labs GmbH does not offer or create an investment product within the meaning of Art. 4 Abs. 1 Nr. 15 of the Directive 2014/65/EU or pursuant to Sec. 2 para. 11 of the German Banking Act (KWG) or Sec. 2 para. 5 German Investment Firm Act (WpIG) and (therefore) does not provide any banking business or financial service in accordance to Sec. 1 para. 1, 1a of the German Banking Act (KWG), investment service pursuant to Sec. 2 para. 1 German Investment Firm Act (WpIG). Impact Labs GmbH also does not provide a payment service pursuant to Sec. 1 para. 1 of the German Payment Services Oversight Act (ZAG). Hence, Impact Labs GmbH does not require the respective licenses to be granted by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and is therefore not licensed or supervised by this authority.