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We make the risks and impacts of forest restoration visible.

recarb's platform digitalizes the due diligence process for nature-based solutions. By making risks visible, we make investments reliable.

Our product

A rating system to make investments in nature-based solutions reliable and easy
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A rating system to make investments in nature based solutions reliable and easy

What we tackle

Lack of trust and knowledge about operational risks.

Climate projects often do not restore nature but just create plantations for short-term carbon storage which cause further harm to ecosystems.

Investors do not posses the technical knowledge to understand the risks of different restoration projects across multiple geographies, whilst current standards do not consider ecosystem resilience.

Systemic Risks

The destruction of nature and the overstepping of planetary boundaries is destroying economic resources.

Regulatory Risks

Governments are defining strict rules for companies to act upon reversing biodiversity loss.

Reputation risks

Companies that destroy forests and biodiversity will not survive on the market in the long term.

“Majority of offset projects that have sold the most carbon credits are ‘likely junk’, according to analysis by Corporate Accountability and the Guardian”
- The Guardian

recarb follows scientific organisations and standards

Our approach

A Due Diligence focused on operational risks for tropical forest restoration.

recarb's rating system makes the performance of tropical forest restoration visible, enabling investors to select high-quality projects with science-based impact, credible carbon claims and long-term resilience.

Our due diligence is risk-based, which means projects are evaluated according to the likelihood of success for the chosen forest restoration strategy.
Ecological Recovery

Evaluation of the projects contribution to ecosystem resilience, e.g. plantation, maintenance and monitoring.


A rating which captures how well the project fulfils criteria for IPLC and stakeholder engagement.


The assessment of the key aspects of the carbon sequestration risks, e.g. additionality and permanence.

Project Developer Assessment

A rating of the trustworthiness of the project developer, e.g. regarding financial stability, reputation, etc.

Ecological Recovery

Evaluation of the projects contribution to ecosystem resilience, e.g. plantation, maintenance and monitoring.


A rating which captures how well the project fulfils criteria for IPLC and stakeholder engagement.


The assessment of the key aspects of the carbon sequestration risks, e.g. additionality and permanence.

Transparency & Accountability

A rating of the trustworthiness of the project developer, e.g. regarding financial stability, reputation, etc.

recarb follows scientific organisations and standards

Ecosystem Restoration Standard (ERS)
Gold Standard

Your benefits with a science-based due diligence

Identifying the right project for your investment is difficult and carries potential risks. Set aside any presumptions and base your decision on scientific facts compiled by nature and climate experts.

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Safeguard your value chain

Restoring forests and biodiversity ensures access to natural resources.

Avoid reputation damage

by accessing rated and monitored forest restoration projects.

Secure your company value

by investing in restoration to secure long-term access to capital markets.

Make safe and verified investment decisions

Secure access to financially attractive and verified investments in nature and biodiversity in the pre-issuance phase.

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